An ISO 9001-2015 Company
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Same as Style - WOR Spiral Seal Gasket fitted with solid metal inner ring in addition to outer ring. The inner ring prevent inward distortion of the gasket element, it also provide Heat and Corrosion barrier, protect Gasket Winding and prevent erosionof flanges, Also recommended for High-Pressure, Temperature, Toxic and Corrosive application.

This style is similar to Style - WOR of Spiral Seal Gaket except in this style the outer/centering ring is made up of metal winding only instead of solid metal flat ring. The outer metallic winding is called 'Nose' of gasket.

It is recomended where application requires outer ring but do not have sufficient space to accomodate it. Nose is made of same material as of spiral and it serve same purpose of solid metal outer/ centering ring.

Spiral Seal Gasket specially designs and manufacturer with pass partition ribs for shell and tube Heat exchanger. This style is any of earlier mentioned style with similar constructions and RIB are generally made up of double jacketed type or solid metal gasket secularly welded with the I/d of spiral wound portion.

Style - WPR can be provide with Inner Ring and either Outer Ring or Nos as per requirement.

Pass Partition Rib can be provided in varying configuration and size.


Spiral Seal Gaskets can be used for General Non Critical Service with any Commercially produce flange surface finish, However we recommened to 125-200 rms finish for BEST RESULT.

Materials for Spiral Winding, Filler and Rings should be selected with respect to Operating Temperature and chemical compatibility.

In case you nned any help in selection of material, please send us complete details, we will select appropriate materials based on our Research and Experience.

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